mardi 29 novembre 2011

si fragile

Dorie Millerson est une artiste canadienne touchante... Oh comme j'aime ces petites structures faites à la main. Mailles après mailles, elle leur donne à chaques instants, une fragilité incroyable. Coudre, tricotter, broder à la main donne une si grande conscience et délicatesse aux objets.
Comme tout nous semble si fragile!

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."
-William James-

Dorie Millerson is a Toronto-based artist. Her studio practice involves research into stitched and constructed textiles and the potential for interlacement to suggest human experience.
Her work is concerned with the themes of attachment and memory. She adapts textile techniques in order to explore these concepts. The ideas are present in both the process and the form of the pieces she constructs.

The attachments series (2005) is a collection of miniature figures in family scenes. The sepia tones of the thread allude to old photographs. The shadows of the pieces are projected onto walls painted with an ink backdrop, creating a theatrical effect.

Bridge (2006) is a three-dimensional structure strung between the walls, ceiling and floor. The shadows of the threads seem to create an endless circle between the bridge and its points of connection. While it can be seen as an architectural study, Bridge also challenges its own materiality by representing a heavy, weight-bearing structure with a fragile material.

House (2007) conjures up memories of childhood homes and dollhouses. While it is more common for lace structures to be imitated in other media, House playfully mimics brickwork and tile.

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