Pendant que ma fille dort les heures qu'elle n'a pas dormi la nuit passée.... (pour une autre journée consécutive) j'en profite pour lire et visiter quelques sites internet. Voici ma découverte d'aujourd'hui: Les Mud Girls. WOW!!!
Qui sont-elles?
We are a network of women who build natural buildings for ourselves and each other, as well as helping others build their own.
We specialize in building with cob, as well as other natural material such as strawbale, driftwood, adobe, cordwood and recycled materials like glass, car tires, glass bottles and more.
There are two overlapping collectives within the network – one, a bartering collective that is local to Lasqueti, and a second that is worker-run and for-hire which includes women in Courtenay and Nanaimo, and on Denman, Lasqueti and Saltspring Islands.
We specialize in building with cob, as well as other natural material such as strawbale, driftwood, adobe, cordwood and recycled materials like glass, car tires, glass bottles and more.
There are two overlapping collectives within the network – one, a bartering collective that is local to Lasqueti, and a second that is worker-run and for-hire which includes women in Courtenay and Nanaimo, and on Denman, Lasqueti and Saltspring Islands.
The second collective is a consensus-based, non-hierarchical collective of women that support each other to gain training and employment.
-B-C, Canada-
Leur mission: Our Mission is to Empower ourselves and others through sharing skills and knowledge that promote healing and living in harmony with the Earth.
Allez jeter un coup d'oeil! http://www.mudgirls.ca/
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